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Looking for products and suppliers

By means of our catalogue you can accomplish search of the products and suppliers in databank of portal TAIWAN.RU. Having requested in search system production, which you are looking for, you will receive the full list of all categories of the products of the given type.

In a similar way it is possible to find the information on the concrete supplier. For this purpose it is necessary to pass to search in section "companies".

Besides you can pass strictly to certain category and start search of the goods there, having chosen its name in the right bookmark of our search system.

Further you come into the necessary category/subcategory and choose the goods. If you want to get detailed description of the product, you have to click on its. Having chosen a necessary product, you can send "notification of interest" to address of its supplier .  For this purpose it is necessary to postpone the product in a basket. You can do it by pressing image of a basket with an inscription "to postpone".

If you are interested in  several goods, you can note all of  them by  putting a tick to the left of their picture with their image and to postpone them into the basket.

Frequently, suppliers do not place all assortment of production in the catalogue. Therefore if you cannot find the products you want to source on, you can send consumer inquiry to address of its manufacturer.

Press here to start your Search!

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